EAMMA was founded in June 9, 1999 emphasizing high quality, professional martial arts facility and staff. Our classes are fun and exciting. Men, women, and children can take advantage of the Eastern Academy’s programs. Each student is given personalized attention with emphasis placed on individual ability. All classes are taught by professionals in their dedication to help you succeed in the martial arts! 


Eastern Academy provides comprehensive & complete martial arts to develop: 

• Self confidence

• Physical endurance & agility

• Pride

• Character

• Respect

• Personal development

• Discipline

• Self defense

Martial arts is an excellent lifestyle which emphasizes fitness, respect and responsibility: developing self-confidence and self-esteem. Martial arts will increase your mental alertness as well as improve your ability to focus. You will learn reliable skills to defend yourself in any given situation. The physical and mental skill developed through training becomes a part of you and carries over into other areas of your life.

About the Founder Wahsei Miran

Through hard work and dedication in the martial arts, Mr. Miran has earned a full instructorship in the Filipino Martial Arts, Jeet Kune Do, Maphilindo Silat, and Madjapahit Martial Arts from Martial Arts legend Guro Dan Inosanto. (Sifu Inosanto Is the only person ever given 3rd rank instructor level in Jeet Kune Do personally by Bruce Lee). He also earned a full instructorship from Grand Master Sasad Dajarn Chai Sirisute in Muay Thai-Thai Boxing.  Grand Master Chai Sirisute is one of the first Thai Boxing Instructor to teach people from the West in this art.  Mr. Miran also achieved a full Instructor Level from Sensei Erik Paulson in Combat Submission Wrestling and earned a Black Belt in Gracie Jiu-Jitsu from the legendary Professor Relson Gracie.